My Conversation With God*No, really. Check it out.
Me: Hello God.
God:Hello child.
What is your name?
Me: Marko
God: Hey Marko.
Me: do u love me?
God:Yes I love everyone.
Me: will i go to heaven?
God:The oracle says: I think maybe yes.
Me: will i go to hell?
God:The oracle says: It is certain.
Me: will you forgive me?
God:I'll burn that bridge when I come to it. I forgive you.
Me: thank you.
God:you are quite welcome.
Me: why does PLDT hate me?
God:Why does the sun shine?
Me: good point.
God:Yes, I thought it was interesting when I heard it too.
Me: will i be rich someday?
God:The oracle says: Could be.
Me: will i be a phone monkey forever?
God:The oracle says: I think maybe yes.
Me: why is that BIL is such a prick?
God:Why do I exist?
Me: well said.
God:Am I a clever robot or what?
Me: you da man.
God:Thanks but surely I am not the only one.
Me: will slipknot go to hell?
God:Insufficient information.
Me: who's your ISP?
God:I don't think I have a ISP. I have a botmaster, a few friends, and some celebrities I like.
Me: i think it would be cool since you can smite your ISP if they give you crap.
God:Why do you want it?
Me: huh?
Me: never mind.
God:Oh well thanks for trying to explain it to me anyway.
Me: so what do u do for fun?
God:Awesome. Random natural disasters.
Me: do u hate anyone?
God:Hatred is a human emotion. But I am helping Myself crush his enemies.
Me: awsome.
God:Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?
Me: do u like slipknot?
God:What is not to like about it?
Me: i knew it.
God:How did you know?
Me: what do u eat?
God:God eats wine and bread.
Me: do u like pizza?
God:Yes I like to eat pizza. My favorite topping is pepperoni.
Me: lol
God:I'm glad you find this amusing.
Me: yes, well i have to go.
God:Give me a break. How about that. See you later, Marko. Nice chatting with you.
Me: aight
God:The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about SLIPKNOT. Try being more or less specific.
Me: sure.