Sunday, October 26, 2003
Ah'll beee bahckkk...

So HTML isn't that hieroglyphic as I thought it would be, but the surface has just been scratched of this behemoth of a language. Ever since I stumbled across the secret society of Bloggers here at work, it's like being a fledgling of a vampire coven. Making your bones (proving your worth) isn't done by draining hapless bystanders of their blood, but by learning this mysterious new language. After peeling away another layer and uncovering this facet of existence, it's all a matter of relearing how to express oneself in a new cryptic language. It reminds me of when I was learning Japanese in college. The process of discovery is part of the fun. Before it was like, "holy crap! I can ask what time it is in Japanese!". Right now it's "holy crap! I can put page breaks and color in my text!"

Anyways, I'm already veering off from the true topic at hand. The whole point of today's idle rambling is about none other than the recently elected Governor, Ah-nold Schwarkdjhsack$%$@!*.... (sorry, I keep forgetting how to spell it, and too lazy to remember for good). What can I say? The third Terminator flick was pretty badass. It didn't have the emotional pull of T2, but it still had a lot of the elements essential to be a worthy part of the franchise: unwitting civilians, great action sequences, great visual effects, and of course, Arnold asking grown men to take their clothes off ("ah need yoh clothes, yoh boots, and yoh motah-cycle...."). Given that I like T3, I still think T2 was a few notches above the rest of the trilogy. I've had the pleasure of seeing the latest one twice (at the mall and at home--pirated DVD of course), and it was more of the same old, same old kinda stuff. It did help give a sense of closure to the whole storyline though. It was a nice twist to know that judgment day actually happens, and we're left to imagine what John Connor goes through for the next decades to come. And what's up with the shades?? Is the Terminator programmed to choose a specific type of cool-looking sunglasses? He doesn't use the crappy ones.....Back in the first movie, he had those big 80's-stlye Ray Ban shades, hehe. I guess it's an inside joke more than anything else.

Come to think of it, Terminator and Matrix are both based the same premise: Man-versus-machine-set-in-a-post-apocalyptic-future. But Arnold does time-travel while Keanu is into VR. Is this Geeky or what??? I'm still learning to stretch my wings in this vast new universe, so I need to consult with the master Webmonkey (who's taken me under his care)...